Tricky Trivia

Listen each weekday morning for ‘Tricky Trivia’ at 7:30 to win free food to the Dorsey House! We’ll ask a trivia question on-air and the first person to call in and guess the correct answer will win a $10 Gift Certificate to the Dorsey House!

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Wednesday, July 3rd Q) About 63% of us plan to do this over the next 4 days… A) Cook on the grill! – Dawn Malabar, Port Huron

Tuesday, July 2nd Q) Only 32% of us will do this this week… A) Go to a fireworks show – Diana Wilson, Ft. Gratiot 

Monday, July 1st Q) You are 5 times more likley to do this on a Monday than the rest of the week… A) Fill your car up! – Dave Schmidt, Snover