County meeting



Michigan Legislators passed a controversial roads funding bill in November, that may take money from our county. St. Clair County Commissioner Karl Tomion voiced those concerns Thursday night during the boards committee meetings. The states road funding plan will take $700 million from the general fund, which is also used for county revenue sharing. Tomion says the association is concerned that during the next fiscal year, the counties revenue sharing would decrease in order to help fund the roads funding bill. Dr. Annette Mercatante, with the St. Clair County Health Department, also attended the meeting. She ask the the board for a letter of support for a grant approval from the Community Foundation of St. Clair County to help fund early childhood programs in our county, particularly the home visiting program. The grant will be used to replace state funding that ran out last year. And St. Clair County has had trouble replacing it's Level 4 equalization assessor, Kraig Hill, who has retired. Hill will be retained until his replacement has been brought up to speed.