Multiple methods to vote in upcoming primary


We are now one week out from the August 6th primary election in Michigan which means it’s time to make a plan to vote if you haven’t done so already. New this year is a 9-day period of early in-person voting that started this past Saturday and runs through Sunday. For City of Port Huron residents, you can cast your early in-person vote at the Municipal Office Center from 9am to 5pm. City Clerk Cyndee Jonseck also tells WPHM absentee voters can also take advantage of the new early voting period too.

“For individuals who have already received an absentee ballot, they have another option where they can actually put (the ballot) through he tabulator,” said Jonseck. “It works just like if you were getting a ballot in the polling location, you’re just using the absentee ballot that was already issued to you.”

Otherwise, Jonseck says any outstanding absentee ballots need to be returned to her office by 8pm on election day via mail or drop box. Absentee ballot boxes are located at city hall, the Palmer Park Recreation Center, and at the new Central Fire Station. She also shared a few voting reminders for those casting a ballot in the primary election, regardless of what method you use.

“With the August primary, voters have to stay within one column, within one political party,” Jonseck added. “If you cross over your vote, it’s not a big deal, the machine will tell you and you have the option to spoil your ballot and get another.”

The primary ballot includes competitive races for U.S. Senate, State House, and County Commission, among others. There are also five county-wide millage proposals on the ballot. All seven polling places in the City of Port Huron will be open from 7am to 8pm Tuesday, August 6th.