County approves policing agreements with townships, school district


Policing agreements have been reached between area townships and the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners. Thee new contracts were approved at last week’s meeting of the county’s public safety commission. St. Clair County Sheriff’s deputies will continue patrolling in Port Huron Township for the next three years, with a price tag of approximately $2.4 million. East China Township also renewed their contract with the county with a price tag of about $540,000 over three years.

Commissioner David Rushing, who represents the southwest portion of the county, also says the Sheriff’s Office entered into an agreement this past week with the Anchor Bay School district to provide a school resource officer.  The public safety committee approved the contract Thursday in which the school district will pay $206,000 over three years for a sheriff’s deputy to be stationed in the district.


December 4 David Rushing