Tips to have a safe prom?


With Prom season already started for some, and vastly approaching for others, the Michigan State Police is advising students to make smart decisions and take extra precaution to stay safe while celebrating. Parents are being encouraged to talk to their child about their plans for the evening and how to get in contact with them. Confirming details about parties afterwards, and making sure alcohol will not be present. Not only is it illegal for anyone under 21 to have alcohol in their system, its illegal for anyone under 21 to have possession of alcohol at any time, regardless of whether they consumed it or not. Additional ways to keep prom night safe include, avoiding tobacco and drugs, don’t get into a vehicle with an intoxicated driver, wear a seat belt at all times while driving/riding in an automobile and keep your parents or guardians informed of your whereabouts. for additional information you can contact Community Service Trooper Mark Swales at (989) 673 2156.